100 Businesses Who Care Launches in Southeast Michigan

Community leaders bring together 100 Businesses in Southeast Michigan with the hopes of donating $100,000 to local causes every year

100 Businesses Who Care is a group of 100 top decision-makers from southeast Michigan who want to make an impact on the local community. By combining donations from each member, 100 Businesses Who Care fuels the critical work being done by local nonprofits to expand their services and further their support and role in making a difference.

100 Businesses Who Care Launches in Southeast Michigan

100 Businesses Who Care Launches in Southeast Michigan

The idea is simple. Each member (company or individual contributor) commits to donating $500 at a bi-annual meeting, and receives an opportunity to nominate and vote for one 501(c)(3) non-profit to support. Each meeting will begin with networking, allowing like-minded business leaders to collaborate. With 100 members, $500 individual donations will combine to create an impactful $50,000 donation to the non-profit organization voted upon by the group. Essentially, this is a foundation for face-to-face “crowd funding.”

As the group grows beyond 100 members, so will its contribution to the community. 100 Businesses Who Care also provides a unique opportunity for members to connect and network with like-minded businesses in southeast Michigan. Additionally, this is an exceptional platform for three non-profits at each meeting to get incredible exposure and educate an audience of top influencers on their missions.

“100 Businesses Who Care offers a simple, yet powerful strategy for local businesses to give back to non-profit organizations and the people they serve in Southeast Michigan,” said Amy Whipple, co-founder of Purple Squirrel Advisors, 100 Women Who Care, and founding member of 100 Businesses Who Care. “The efficient 2-hour bi-annual meetings  will give members an opportunity to make a significant impact on the community.” 

100 Businesses Who Care is modeled after the success of 100 Women Who Care – Greater Rochester, an organization of 250 women that has gifted over $250,000 to 14 different local organizations and have inspired the creation of many similar groups. The founding members recognized that this unique and efficient giving model could be replicated for the business community to make a significant financial impact on a deserving non-profit.

100 Businesses Who Care’s current Founding Members and Advisory Board consists of influential and reputable business leaders around Southeast Michigan from a variety of industries and geographic locations including: Amy Whipple (Purple Squirrel Advisors), Carrie Schochet (Purple Squirrel Advisors), Bob Quigley (Renaissance Executive Forums), Steve Benedettini (Spalding DeDecker), Sarah Knapp (SK Consulting), Kevin Krason (BizNet Digital), Joe DiCresce (Marsh & McLennan Agency), Tim Nasso (The Nasso Group) Mayor Bryan Barnett (City of Rochester Hills), Chris Bayer (Bayloff Stamped Products), Deb Behring (JB Cutting), Paul Edwards (Plante Moran), Jason and Amy Hanley (OrangeTheory Fitness), Gina Mangold (Holiday Market), Tim O’Brien (O’Brien Construction Co.), Evans Panton (EDP Management), Gretchen Perkins (Huron Capital Partners), Brian Rolfe (Kemp Klein), and David Walker (Hartland Insurance).

“I am thrilled to see 100 Businesses Who Care launch in our community,” said Bryan Barnett, Mayor of Rochester Hills. “This group exemplifies the overwhelming generosity of our community and highlights the wonderful tradition our business community has created of giving back to those in need. I am supremely proud of all involved in this philanthropic effort and look forward to hearing the stories of the lives that will be changed as like-minded businesses collaborate and give back.”

100 Businesses Who Care’s first meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 15 from 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. at the Troy Community Center. Be a part of the philanthropic revolution. Find out more and fill out the commitment form at: http://100businesseswhocare.com/join/ 

About 100 Businesses Who Care

100 Businesses Who Care is a group of businesses and business leaders  committed to making an impact on the local community through an efficient and effective philanthropic strategy. Modeled after the successful efforts of 100 Women Who Care-Greater Rochester, each member of 100 Businesses Who Care commits to donating $500 at a bi-annual meeting, and receives an opportunity to nominate and vote for one 501(c)(3) non-profit to support. Connecting like-minded businesses in southeast Michigan, each $500 donation multiplies into an impactful $50,000 donation to the non-profit organization voted upon by the group. For more information on 100 Businesses Who Care, visit: http://100businesseswhocare.com


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