Rally for Rochester – 5k Fun Run
A Fun Run to raise money for a boundless playground
Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
The Rochester Area Jaycees are proud to announce the Rally for Rochester 5k Fun Run. The run will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. at Rochester Municipal Park. Registration will begin at 8:15 a.m. at Rochester Municipal Park. This Fun Run will benefit the Rochester Area by raising funds for a boundless playground. A boundless playground is a universal playground that is equipped with ramps, surfacing and sensory toys that make it completely accessible to children with physical and developmental disabilities. The Rochester Area Jaycees have identified that Metro-Detroit is lacking when it comes to boundless playgrounds for children with disabilities- the closest ones to Rochester are in West Bloomfield and Bloomfield Hills. To combat this issue, the organization is raising funds to be able to build a boundless playground in the next 5 years. Talks are still ongoing as to where the park should be placed, but an option that the Rochester Area Jaycees are evaluating is Jaycee Field/Scott Street Park off Wilcox St. & Woodward Ave.
Registration for this event is $25 per person and 100% of the proceeds go towards raising funds for the playground. Runners and walkers alike are encouraged to register at www.rochesterareajaycees.org/5k.
This event is open to everyone; children and pets are welcome too. Donations to go toward the boundless playground are also being accepted. Donations can be made during the event or at www.rochesterareajaycees.org/5k .
The Rochester Area Jaycees are a local chapter of the Michigan Jaycees, which represent more than 1,500 young professionals, ages 21-40, in more than 25 chapters across the state. Chapters develop and create community events, provide professional and personal trainings to members and help build today’s leaders. Additionally, chapters assist other charitable organizations. They have been instrumental in raising funds for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, the Nothing but Nets campaign through the United Nations Foundation, and the Kids Kicking Cancer organization.
For more detailed information about the Jaycees or this event, please visit the website, email info@rajc.org, or call us at 248.652.7777.