A Self-Guided Tour of the Stahls Automotive Museum

A self-guided tour of the Stahls Automotive Museum in Chesterfield Township is being hosted by the Friends of the Rochester Hills Public Library on Thursday, May 19, from 10 a.m. through 1:00 p.m.

The Stahls museum is designed to give visitors a better understanding of how the automobile developed from a novelty to a main form of transportation. On display are such rare autos of the past such as the Tucker, Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg, Graham, Hupmobile and more. Also on display is a collection of gas pumps, road signs, oil cans and other car-related accessories from the Depression era. The Museum is also home to a number of restored and operational automated musical instruments and several amazing organs.

Stahls Automotive Museum in Chesterfield Township

Stahls Automotive Museum in Chesterfield Township

It’s an opportunity to see a part of automotive history, and support the Library at the same time. All proceeds are used to fund Library programs.

Tour participants will meet at the Stahls Automotive Museum which is located at 56516 North Bay Dr., Chesterfield, MI 48051 (near 26 mile and Gratiot). Phone: 586-749-1078

Note: the parking lot only holds about 35 vehicles, but there is street parking around the museum. The Museum is ADA accessible, and cameras are welcome.

Rare Autos on Display at Stahls Museum

Rare Autos on Display at Stahls Museum

Date:               Thursday, May 19, 2016

Time:               10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Location:         Stahls Automotive Museum, Chesterfield Township, MI

Cost:                $20 per person

To reserve your place, go to www.rhpl.org/friends-of-rhpl/special-events and look for the “Special Events” link to download the reservation form. Instructions for payment and mailing are included on the form. Please reserve by May 9.

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