A combined robotics team from Adams High School and Stoney Creek High School, known as the Adambots, won the Oakland County Competitive Robotics Association (OCCRA) Championship held November 20 at Holly High School. The team finished fifth in the preliminary rounds and selected the team from Madison Heights Lamphere High School as their partner for the elimination rounds where they went on to defeat the number one, number two and number four alliances. In addition to being rewarded the Championship Trophy, the Adambots were also awarded the Strategic Design Trophy for the event. The team was also awarded two trophies for Team Spirit and the Technical Excellence award during the season and finished in second place in two of the four preliminary events. They are in the running for the Foundation Award which is the highest OCCRA award and have been recognized as one of the top five overall teams under the direction of Coach Warren Hildebrandt, retired Computer Aided Design teacher from Adams High School.
The OCCRA season involves teams of students designing, building and programming a robot to compete in a specific game and they also build a smaller robot, called a VEX robot, which competes during matches. The tournament structure randomly pairs robots from two different schools in an “alliance” against two robots from an opposing alliance. Once the ranking rounds are completed over five separate tournaments, the top teams select their partners.
The Adambots are now getting ready for the FIRST Season which beings in January. The team will compete in Michigan District events in Detroit and Troy to earn their way to the State Championship at Eastern Michigan University in early April.