Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony this Friday at Meadow Brook Hall

City of Rochester Hills Celebrates 28 Years as a Tree City USA

Mayor Bryan K. Barnett encourages residents to join the City of Rochester Hills and Meadow Brook Hall to roll up their sleeves and celebrate Arbor Day on April 27 by helping to plant new trees on Meadow Brook’s historic grounds.

Meadow Brook Hall is hosting their annual Woodland Entrance Restoration Program on Arbor Day, April 27, 2018 as a community work day and tree planting celebration. The goal will be to improve a significant area adjacent to the entrance drive.

Local leaders, volunteers, scout groups, and more pose for an outdoor photo on the grounds of Meadow Brook Hall

Rochester Hills to Hold Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony

Woodlands clean-up and planting will begin at 1:00 p.m. Following the work session, volunteers will gather behind Meadow Brook Hall for a ceremonial tree planting at 3:30 p.m. hosted by the City of Rochester Hills, an Arbor Day Foundation – Tree City USA Community. Mayor Barnett will offer remarks and pass along the shovel to the Musson Elementary Daisy troops to plant the tree.

Helping to facilitate the clean-up is ReLeaf Michigan, a statewide volunteer non-profit tree planting organization whose mission is to educate the public on the value of trees and how to properly select, plant and maintain them. Partial funding is provided by the Department of Natural Resources—Urban and Community Forestry Program and the City of Rochester Hills.

“Our healthy urban tree canopy is one of the many reasons residents love to live in Rochester Hills,” states Mayor Bryan K. Barnett. “We’re proud to partner with Meadow Brook Hall and I encourage our community to join with us and plant a tree in their neighborhood this spring.”

As one of over three thousand communities across the country recognized as a Tree City USA, the City of Rochester Hills is proud to celebrate 28 years of dedication to tree planting, conservation, and environmental stewardship. Tree City USA is sponsored by the National Arbor day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service.

Trees can be assets to a community when properly planted and maintained. They help to improve the visual appeal of a neighborhood or shopping district, increase property values, reduce home cooling costs, remove air pollutants, and provide wildlife habitat, among many other benefits. A free tree seedling will be given to attendees at the event.

Meadow Brook Hall is located at 350 Estate Drive, Rochester. For more information about Meadow Brook Hall’s Woodland Restoration Program or to volunteer contact Nikki Thomas at 248-364-6209 or email


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