Art and Apples 2010 is Here!

Presented by Paint Creek Center for the Arts, the Art & Apples Festival is Michigan’s second largest juried fine art festival with an average attendance of over 125,000 festival-goers and 285+ artists from across the country. The festival showcases artists from across the country, local and national entertainment acts, a free Kids Art Zone, Activity Zone, 3 food courts and more.

The Rochester Park was being transformed into a festival wonderland today as hundreds of artists and vendor’s moved in to setup their tents and booths. We hope you will take a moment to stop in and look around. Maybe buy a world famous apple pie and a new piece of art for your living room wall!

The Art & Apples Festival ranks the #20 art festival in the nation as determined by Sunshine Artist Magazine.
Make sure to plan on visiting the 30-acre Rochester Park this year on September 10-12 where fine art, performances, and homemade apple pies can be enjoyed by all.
September 10-12, 2010
Rochester Park | Rochester, Michigan
For more information, please call 248-651-4110 or email

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at