Calling all bakers: The 47th Art & Apples Festival is in search of the finest, most imaginative bakers to submit an apple pie or other dessert with apples as the main ingredient. Applications are available at The non-refundable application fee is $5 and must be submitted by September 4. All proceeds benefit Paint Creek Center for the Arts.
Participating bakers should bring their entries on Saturday, September 8 at 11:30 a.m. to Rochester Municipal Park. Guest judges will sample each entry and award first, second, and third place in each category. The winners in each category will receive a one-of-a-kind dish created by a festival artist; first place winners will be featured in an article in the 2013 Art & Apples Festival Event Guide. Winners will be announced at approximately 12:30 p.m. on the Main Stage.
This year’s Apple Pie & Dessert contest features new and familiar judges, including Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson; Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan Barnett; Dave Lewallen from WXYZ Channel 7; Miss Oakland County Shelby Gardiner; and Mark Slessor, pastry chef at the Royal Park Hotel,.
This year’s festival is September 7-9. Parking shuttle service will be available from the Rochester High School parking lot to Rochester Community House. For additional information about the festival, call (248) 651-4110 or visit