If warm weather in the fall is called an Indian Summer, then should we label this cold snap in summer a Pilgrim Spring? The Pilgrims came unexpected to the American Indians, and so has this unseasonable weather, which has literally knocked the socks back on us. I'm fighting the urge put a straw bale decoration on my porch, and I'm suppressing my stomach's strong desire to patronize the cider mill. There have definitely been positives and negatives to the summer of 2013. It's great to be … [Read more...]
Online "swapping" sets up shop on Facebook
A new way to buy and sell Garage sales can be an unpredictable and complex experience. As a buyer, you have anticipation of the unknown find, the joy of unavoidable conversation with the seller, and the thrill of scoring an underpriced piece of tangible heaven. As a seller, you hopefully end the day with a bit more room in your house and extra change in your pocket—just by skillfully putting things you don"t want on display. Time spent on your feet selling or buying can really be fun and … [Read more...]
Welcome to my summer house
I have coined my own term to define the status of organized living, or lack thereof that we currently have around our home. It's simply called, “summer house." Summer house means grass and dirt chunks endlessly seem to gather on the floor. Summer house means that unfinished art projects linger in various locations and piles of shoes create little mountains by each door. Summer house means that all the daily cleaning I generally get to while the kids are at school gets half done, making it … [Read more...]
Facebook: A Love/Hate Tale
There's an old Chicago tune that sings the sentiment "You're a hard habit to break,” and to dear old Facebook, I sing this sentiment to you. Let me set the stage for you. I'm not addicted to Facebook, but it was a constant unconscious habit deep in my soul. It was a simple click-by-click habit. Check email, than check Facebook to see what's going on. It didn't take up much of my time. It didn't steal me away from real life interactions. It was just the order in which I passed my time. I … [Read more...]
Finding Hope – One Step at a Time
December 14, 2012 was a powerful day that will not easily be forgotten. A knot twisted in my stomach that Friday, as my emotions ranged from shock to sorrow, to anger, and back all around again. Learning of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, a charming place, not too much unlike our hometown, was just too much for me to even fathom. Along with the rest of America, I was just dumbfounded and left plain wondering, "Why?" The media spewed out countless hours of motive speculation, and snuck … [Read more...]
The Joneses are stressed, but you don’t have to be, too!
Last week I was catching up with a friend, discussing the new school year. While chatting, I was surprised to hear the detail of her daughter's extracurricular activities. It was so full, we could scarcely find a night to have the two families together for dinner. She justified the enrichment, like many parents, as simply the way to keep her child well rounded. My advice to the mother was to be careful not drive her own-self crazy, in the process of attempting to keep her daughter exploring all … [Read more...]
Simple Tips for a Productive Summer
Most of us want summer to be relaxed, carefree and fun, but often we feel just as stressed out as the rest of the year. The best way I've found to maximize the openness of the vacation weeks is by putting a little thought into the time management of your days off. Often, we find the most satisfaction in accomplishing something, so by planning the ways you'll be productive, you can actually feel more relaxed overall. Trying a few of these simple steps can help even the busiest of families embrace … [Read more...]
Local Father’s Day Finds
Forty years ago, President Richard Nixon signed into law the proclamation of Father's Day as the third Sunday in June. Ever since, children of all ages have clamored around department store tie racks, decorated coffee mugs, and bought untold quantities of grill tools in attempts to show dad that they love him. This year, if those ideas don't fit the bill for your father, check out the construction progress in town, support our merchants, and pick up one of these great local gifts that dad is … [Read more...]
Walking with Little Feet
When I'm with my kids, one of the most frequent comments I hear is, "Enjoy it now, they grow up so fast!" Time does seem to have a miraculous way of slipping by, and although statements like that can become easy to disregard, they are good reminders to take full advantage of the moments we have. Sometimes though, it seems we get so caught up in just making it through our day, we don't know how to redeem the little opportunities we have to draw closer to our kids. I often see parents walking … [Read more...]
Where the Rivers Collide
It's hard to drive around Rochester for very long and not find yourself crossing over water. Both the Clinton River and the Paint Creek meander under our bridges and through backyards, from Oakland Township, to Rochester Hills, and downtown. We have wonderful trails that follow alongside them, and they are a favorite pastime for our family. But even after living here our whole lives, my husband and I, perhaps like most residents, realized we had no idea where the two bodies of water themselves … [Read more...]