Op-Ed: What’s a “Special Project” in the City of Rochester?

Op-Ed: What's a "Special Project" in the City of Rochester? By Sue Ann Douglas for Rochester Media That's a good question, I hear questions and complaints on a regular basis, and I couldn't answer that question and why things seem to be happening that threaten our historic and quaint downtown. Therefore, here's what I've found out. The City's goal through their new Master Plan is density. You heard me right but I'll say it louder DENSITY. They tell me that's what everyone wants. … [Read more...]

Op-Ed: Non-profits get a 90% Break on Cost of City Services

By Sue Ann Douglas, Special to Rochester Media: Did you know that the City of Rochester gives non-profit organizations who hold an event in the City Park a 90% discount off the actual the cost of police, fire and DPW services associated with their event? That's right. The non-profits only pay 10% of the actual cost. So, if the support for the event costs $15,000.00, the group pays only $1,500.00. It's no wonder everyone wants to come to our park for their fundraisers. Cities like … [Read more...]

Op-Ed: Rochester’s Deficit will Lead to Raising Taxes

An Opinion Article by Sue Ann Douglas, Special to Rochester Media I went to the Rochester State of the City Monday evening and Mayor Cathy Daldin did a fine job. Her theme was Rochester past, present and future. The most interesting thing was that there was absolutely no mention of the largest projects that the City recently built - the two parking decks by any of the council members who spoke nor did the mention raising taxes up to three mills! We were told that the city was in … [Read more...]

A Note from Sue Ann Douglas

Note from former Councilwomen and County Commissioner Sue Ann Douglas I'm at Rochester's Goals and Objectives meeting and there is a suggestion to RAISE TAXES! No one has jumped on the band wagon but the next month or two will be critical. Please go to future meetings. Suggestions from the administration include stopping leaf pick-up, increasing taxes, running special mileages for things like police and fire that you would have a hard time saying "no" to. BTW, THE PARKING SYSTEM … [Read more...]

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Rochester Area Republican Club meetings

The Rochester Area Republican club meets at the American Legion Hall (SE corner of Walnut and Third Street in Downtown Rochester) Please use the Third Street entrance Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. September 20th meeting, Judge Michael Warren will talk about three things: His re-election campaign Patriot Week (9/11 to 9/17) And the Obamacare Ruling from his perspective as a Circuit Court Judge and Constitutional Law professor To read Judge Michael … [Read more...]

Sue Ann Douglas Responds to the upcoming DIA Tax vote

Sorry Mr. Beal but ‘Ain’t Gonna Happen!’ just isn’t good enough. I’m still not convinced that the collection is protected from a bankruptcy or emergency manager and now I’ve found two separate examples of where the DIA representatives have told the media that they would litigate to buy time while Detroit’s solvency problems were resolved if there was an attempt to sell the art. More money down the drain but their Plan B tells me that my concerns are on point. I have an idea on how to protect … [Read more...]

Rochester Area Republican Club Monthly Meeting on May 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Lino’s

The newly formed Rochester Area Republican Club will meet on May 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Leno’s Restaurant, 50 W. Tienken Road, Rochester Hills, Michigan. State Senator James Marleau will be the guest speaker. The April meeting was a huge success. State Representative Tom McMillin updated the club on State issues. Future speakers will include: L. Brooks Patterson, Oakland County executive; Bob Daddow and Phil Bertolini, Deputy Oakland County Executives and Judge Michael Warren, Constitutional … [Read more...]

Fringe Benefits For Road Commissioners?

Just when you think you’ve figured everything out, you find an old practice that’s never mentioned. County Commissioners are required by law to appoint 3 members to the Road Commission for Oakland County and set their compensation.  The Road Commission for Oakland County is not a part of county government and their salary has been set at $10,000 a year for their services.  Not bad.  Their salary hasn’t changed in 21 years but I  thought it was pretty generous and no one ever suggested that we … [Read more...]

Patterson Invites Officials to Oakland County Budget Symposium II

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is encouraging local municipal and school officials to attend the Oakland County Budget Symposium II where they will hear the latest government revenue forecasts and learn about long-term financial planning tools and innovative cost saving techniques.The event, co-hosted by Oakland Schools, will be held 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Monday, November 8, 2010, at the Oakland Schools building, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road in Waterford. Registration begins at 8:00 … [Read more...]

Nursing Home Plan Withdrawn by Developer

The Rochester Planning Commission meeting was last evening and I had been busy fielding phone calls a good part of the day.  It was also my birthday – no, I’m not telling which one it was. I was delighted when I realized that the Oakland Press’ Editorial came very close to endorsing my neighborhood’s position on the ill conceived, 10 pounds of flour in a 5 pound sack, proposal to build a nursing home next to the Waltonwood Assisted Living facility on North Main.  The Oakland Press Editors … [Read more...]