Avondale High School Student to Attend Congress of Future Medical Leaders

Freshman, Amarae’ Robinson, Selected to travel to Massachusetts for event designed to Honor and Inspire

Avondale High School Freshman, Amarae’ Robinson, has been selected to attend the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Lowell, Massachusetts as a delegate during a three-day congress to learn about careers in medicine and medical science. The Congress is an honors-only program for top high school students who want to become physicians or go into a medical research field.

Avondale High School Freshman, Amarae’ Robinson

Avondale High School Freshman, Amarae’ Robinson

Amarae’ was nominated by Dr. Robert Darling, Medical Director of the National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists to represent Avondale High School based on her academic achievement, leadership potential and determination to serve humanity in the field of medicine. During the three-day Congress, she will join students from across the country to hear from Nobel Laureates and National Medal of Science winners and learn about cutting-edge advances and the future of medicine and medical technology. The event is designed to honor and also inspire students who wish to be physicians or medical scientists to stay true to their dream and, after the event, to provide resources and guidance to help them achieve their goal.

“This is a crucial time in America when we need more doctors and medical scientists who are even better prepared for a future that is changing exponentially,” said Richard Rossi, Executive Director, National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists. “Focused, bright and determined students like Amarae’ are our future and she deserves all the mentoring and guidance we can give her.”

The Academy offers free services and programs to students who want to be physicians or go into medical science including online social networks for future doctors and medical scientists to communicate; opportunities for students to be guided and mentored by physicians and medical students; and information for parents and students about college acceptance and finances, skills acquisition, internships, and career guidance.

The National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists, based in Washington, D.C., is chartered as a nonpartisan, taxpaying institution that works to identify, encourage and mentor students who wish to devote their lives to the service of humanity as physicians or medical scientists. As an eighth-grader at Avondale Middle School, Amarae’ demonstrated her strong sense of service and humanity when she spent hours knitting hats and scarves to be donated to people undergoing cancer treatments as part of a Leadership project at the school. She was recognized for her commitment to helping others through the project by the Auburn Hills Morning Optimist Club and presented with a plaque during the annual event, Avondale Youth Assistance Youth Recognition Night.  A spokesperson for the Optimist Club remarked that Amarae’ was chosen to receive the award because Club members felt she embodied the service emphasis of Optimist Clubs around the world.

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