Barnes & Noble Bookstores all across the nation are hosting book festivals for teens this weekend. Panel discussions, book trivia, giveaways, author signings, writing workshops, and more. The Rochester Hills location has a jam packed three-day-weekend planned.

B-Fest with Barnes & Noble
June 10 at 7PM: “B-IN THE KNOW” Panel Discussion and trivia event with Cori McCarthy (Author), Amy Rose Capetta – Author, Erica M. Chapman, Bethany Neal, and Andrea Hannah. Moderated by author Kristin Bartley Lenz. Join us as we celebrate YA literature with a Trivia Blast Event and quiz our authors on how much they know. The Trivia Blast, created by Penguin Teen and Random House’s First in Line will be awesome! One winner in each store will win advance reader’s copies of the most anticipated new books for teens.
June 11 at 11AM: “B-FIRST” Chapter sampler and advanced reader copy giveaways. Come check out exciting giveaways, plus sneak peeks of new stories from favorite authors, including James Dashner, Ransom Riggs, and Veronica Roth.
June 11 at 11AM: Signing with local author Becca Johnson.
June 11 at 2PM: “B-PART OF THE FUN” Join us for bookish games and giveaways, including a spelling showdown, story ball, and a chance to win prize packs, swag, and more.
June 11 at 7PM: “B-FANTASTIC” Panel discussion with Andrea Hannah, Darcy Woods, MG Buehrlen, David James, Author, Erica M. Chapman, and Heather Smith Meloche. The theme of this panel is “Kissing and Killing in YA” and it will be moderated by local high school students.
June 12 at 1PM: Signing with author Barbara Rebbeck.
June 12 at 2PM: “B-CREATIVE” So you want to be a YA author? Take part in a story development workshop created by Adaptive Studios, and learn how to make your ideas soar. With authors Erica M. Chapman, Bethany Neal, and Barbara Rebbeck.