Back to School in… July?

While it may seem irritating to be talking about back to school in July, you can redirect that energy into a worthwhile cause as Rochester Area Neighborhood House kicks off its annual school supply drive to support the children of low income families in our community. As with all their programs related to children, Rochester Area Neighborhood House strives to make sure the children in struggling families have the same opportunities available to them as any other child in any other family.

You are invited to join in and support this cause by purchasing and donating one or more school supply items for a child in need. Items needed include:

  • Black, red, and blue pens
  • Pocket folders with and without prongs
  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • 1 and 3 subject notebooks
  • Wide ruled and college ruled notebook paper
  • Index cards
  • Scissors
  • Colored pencils
  • Markers
  • Glue sticks
  • Highlighter
  • Backpacks for children age 6 to 18

Rochester Area Neighborhood House is a nonprofit human service organization that has been serving our community since 1968.  They assist our neighbors during times of hardship and partner with other community and social service providers to help those neighbors address their needs and move toward self-sufficiency.

As school supplies go on sale this summer, please join in, make a donation and touch the life of a child in need.  You can drop off your donation at two convenient locations. Ram’s Horn and Bar Louie have partnered with Rochester Area Neighborhood House as drop off locations for school supply donations. You can find donation boxes at both locations.

Ram’s Horn is located at 1990 South Rochester Road in Rochester Hills on the Northwest corner of Rochester Road and Hamlin.

Bar Louie is located at 1488 North Rochester Road in Rochester in the shopping plaza in the Northeast corner of Rochester Road and Tienken.

As you enjoy the rest of your summer and don’t want to think about the back to school routine coming up, knowing you’ve made a difference for a child in need may make that thought a little easier. Donations are needed by Monday, August 6th.

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at

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