Back To School Rochester High Falcons

For some, summer is a time to escape from stressful situations and simply relax. For others, summer is jam-packed with vacation after vacation or long work hours. Whatever the case, it may be tough for people to stay updated with the latest news. But for the Falcons of Rochester High School, there is a way to stay plugged in: “The Community Edge” by Rochester Media. This online newspaper will provide intriguing, exclusive, and informative news for those who wish to find out about the latest events at RHS. With the simple click of a button, Falcons and Falcon fans can stay tuned in and keep up – not only during the summer, but throughout the entire school year.

To get even more information about RHS, make sure to check out the school’s student newspaper, The Talon, which can now be accessed online at The Talon strives to cover the stories people want to hear about, so feel free to contact the staff with suggestions. The Talon’s e-mail address is:

Emily Hayward

Features Editor

About Rochester Media

Rochester Media publishes The Community Edge digital newsletter of recently posted articles from Rochester Media, a hyper-local news outlet covering all things in and around Rochester, Rochester Hills, and Oakland Township. Send us you press releases and news happenings to