Bake the World A Better Place at Rochester Hometown Picnic & Pies

The City of Rochester is proud to announce the Inagural Rochester Hometown Picnic & Pies on Saturday, June 15, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Rochester Municipal Park. Old-school community fun picnic and the first-ever Rochester Blue Ribbon Baking Contest at 1:00 p.m. Bakers of all ages are invited to show off their sweet baking skills in the form of everyone’s picnic favorite, pies.

Warm Pie Cools on a Rack

Pie Baking Contest

“For me, when someone says hometown, one of the things I envision is a freshly baked pie cooling in a window, probably a mulberry or rhubarb pie to be exact”, said Rochester Mayor Rob Ray. “With the longstanding family traditions in our community, I am sure there are some fabulous pie recipes that are truly hidden treasures on a 3”x5” card somewhere. Where else than a picnic to show off your pie baking pride? From the recipe passed down generations to a new creation, I am excited to see the baking skills of residents of all ages.”

The event is seeking adult and child bakers in three pie categories – fruit, nut and other. Bakers are asked to contribute two 9-inch pies – one for the judges, and one to be sold by the slice with proceeds benefitting Rochester area charities.

Bakers can sign up HERE and for more information, call 248-656-0060.

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