Plans are well underway for the Fifth Annual Downtown Rochester Festival of Trees, November 16-18. The Downtown Rochester Festival of Trees is a holiday spectacular unlike any other, featuring trees, wreaths, centerpieces, tablescapes, porchscapes and more designed and donated by the Metro Detroit community.
Due to popular demand, businesses can now participate in the Festival of Trees without even knowing how to string a strand of Christmas lights by becoming a Tree Sponsor. Sponsors can select a 7’ or 4’ tree theme and the talented Festival of Trees Designers will create the tree, select an added-value item or two and finish it with a framed sign that states it is sponsored by your business. Tree sponsorships are available for $500 and $1000. Custom themes are also available.
The Downtown Rochester Festival of Trees will kick-off at the Rochester Community House on Friday, November 16 with the Cocktail Preview, and will be open to the public November 17 & 18. All proceeds benefit The Big, Bright Light Show.
For more information about the Downtown Rochester Festival of Trees, contact the Rochester Downtown Development Authority (DDA) at 248-656-0060 or visit us online at