Beautiful Tables Beautiful Gardens

The Rochester Garden Club is launching into spring with a community program “Beautiful Tables; Beautiful Gardens.” Gardeners and flower lovers are sure to enjoy two presentations about flower arranging and flower growing. There will be door prizes and light refreshments.

Event Flier with date, time, location and cost listed

Beautiful Tables Beautiful Gardens

The first part of the program will feature two designers from Viviano Flower Shop who will demonstrate how to create cut floral arrangements. Viviano is a business new to Rochester, but has been a Detroit area floral business since 1937. They have the expertise and creativity to make a big impression. In the second part of the program two Advanced Master Gardeners from the Rochester Garden Club will discuss how to design and plant a cutting garden to have flowers throughout the growing season for your own floral designs.

A mix of cone flowers in bloom

Rochester Garden Club Beautiful Tables Beautiful Gardens

Beautiful Tables; Beautiful Gardens will be held on Tuesday, March 26, at the newly renovated Calf Barn at the Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm, 1005 Van Hoosen Rd., Rochester MI 48307. Registration check in is at 9:45 a.m. and the program will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. Tickets are $10 and space is limited. For more information, visit the Rochester Garden Club Website.

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