Being an Engaged Member of the Trails Community

Friends of the Clinton River Trail (FCRT) invite you to an Open House featuring guest speaker Bob Wilson, Executive Director, Michigan Trails & Greenways Alliance (MTGA), on Tuesday, May 22, at 7:00 p.m., River Crest Hall, 900 West Avon Road, Rochester Hills.

Promotional image showing the trail through a wooded area and part of the Clinton River

Friends of the Clinton River Trail

From his experience in state government as a trails advocate and policymaker, helping improve legislation like the Michigan Trailways Act, to his decades of experience as a trails educator, Bob Wilson clearly has a passion for trails. At MTGA, Bob works to ensure the high quality of our trails and trail towns and to further encourage trail groups and city officials to work toward a standard of trail development that helps to ensure the public of a quality trail experience. Learn about the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund – protecting and preserving Michigan’s natural resources.

This evening will also feature news and updates about the latest plans for the cross-state Great Lake to Lake Trail which includes the Clinton River Tail. Snacks and cash bar available.

Friends of the Clinton River Trail, is a volunteer organization committed to making the Clinton River Trail a safe and enjoyable destination for all users. The CRT passes through five cities in the middle of Oakland County: Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills, Pontiac and Sylvan Lake. For additional information go to


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