Best Buyer in Michigan is from Oakland County

Oakland County employee Joan Daniels is Michigan’s Buyer of the Year, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced today. The Michigan Public Purchasing Officers Association (MPPOA) bestowed the honor upon Daniels, who is a buyer for Oakland County Compliance Office Purchasing Unit, at its annual conference earlier this month.

“Oakland County has an outstanding reputation for transparency and open bidding when it comes to implementing purchasing contracts,” Patterson said. “We’ve earned that reputation in no small part because of the excellence of our purchasing employees like Joan Daniels.”

Joan Daniels is Michigan’s Buyer of the Year

Joan Daniels is Michigan’s Buyer of the Year

Daniels is known for her creative approach to solving problems that maintain a fair playing field for vendors. For instance, she worked with Oakland County’s Information Technology Department to launch an Oakland County Purchasing page on LinkedIn. The page has enabled the county to identify and communicate with new vendors who may have never been exposed to government procurement before. It has helped the county locate vendors who perform more obscure services and broaden the field of competitors to provide the county services.

She also helped Oakland County Parks & Recreation improve purchasing of items for resale at its five golf course pro shops. She invited various suppliers to a vendor show that allowed them to market the merchandise they felt would benefit the pro shops. The vendors were gathered in one place and parks & rec golf personnel visited each one to discuss the products, marketing, and pricing. Daniels helped develop contracts with various suppliers for the suppliers who provided the merchandise that best fit each pro shop.

Daniels is a graduate of Oakland University. She received her Certified Professional Public Buyer designation in 2010. She is a resident of Orion Township.

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