Blessings in a Backpack Fundraiser in Oakland Township July 17

Stop by the Nice Day Café located at the corner of Orion Road and Collins Road in Goodison on Sunday, July 17, from 11 – 2 p.m. for a fundraiser to help feed children in the Rochester area.  Star Wars characters from the 501st battalion will be in full uniform to play Nerf games with the children in the parking lot.  Goodison Family Chiropractic will have games and prizes for kids, and face painting is available by An Affair to Remember. Enjoy hot dogs, potato chips, pop, and cupcakes while supporting a great cause.

Proceeds will go to Blessings in a Backpack, a privately funded program to help feed children in four elementary schools who qualify for free or reduced lunches on weekends and during the summer in the Rochester Community Schools. It costs approximately $100 to feed a child for an entire school year.  Monetary donations and new or gently used backpacks are needed to support this program.

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