Stoney Creek High School all clear – students and staff are safe At 11:48 a.m. on Tuesday, September 20, an alarm sounded at Stoney Creek High School (SCHS) indicating the building was placed in lockdown. The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office and Rochester Police Department have provided the Rochester Community School District with an all-clear, indicating that Stoney Creek High School is secure. All students and staff are safe and accounted for. Dismissal continued as normally scheduled. … [Read more...]
Position Vacancy for the Rochester Community Schools Board of Education
The Board of Education of the Rochester Community School District is actively seeking to fill a vacant position following the resignation of Trustee Andrea Walker-Leidy. All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply. The Board will follow the Revised School Code and Michigan Election Law in appointing an eligible candidate to fill the trustee position. When the appointee takes the Oath of Office, his or her term will begin immediately and continue through December 31, 2022. For … [Read more...]
Hart Middle School Recognized as a National School of Character
HART: Helpful, Accountable, Respectful, Thoughtful Rochester Community Schools is proud to announce that Hart Middle School has earned the prestigious designation as a National School of Character., a national advocate and leader for character development in schools and communities, certified Hart Middle School, along with 46 other schools and one district, as National Schools of Character. “The educators at these schools model and reinforce the core values of … [Read more...]
Rochester Community Schools Resume In-Person Learning
Rochester Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Robert Shaner provided the following announcement at the Rochester Regional Chamber Community Outlook event. All Rochester Community School (RCS) District students enrolled in in-person learning have officially returned to our school buildings full time, five days a week. After such an unprecedented year for our community and our country, the joy, laughter, and learning that has reappeared in our classrooms is truly worthy of … [Read more...]
Remote Learning will Start the School Year
A Message from Rochester Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Robert Shaner - Rochester Community Schools Temporarily Begins the 2020-21 School Year with Remote Learning Throughout the pandemic, science and data have continued to inform our decisions. We rely on the facts presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Oakland County Health Division (OCHD), and our school nurse as we coordinate, plan, and prepare for returning students to school in the fall. We have … [Read more...]
Return to School Road Map Update
State Progress On June 17, Governor Whitmer announced that schools may resume in-person learning in Phase 4 of the MI Safe Start plan, with strict safety measures in place. On June 30, the state will release “Michigan’s Return to School Road Map” with detailed requirements for schools. Dr. Robert Shaner is one of 25 leaders appointed to the governor’s Return to School Advisory Council, providing input on this reopening plan. Rochester Community Schools (RCS) has already confirmed … [Read more...]
Rochester Community School District Adopts 1-to-1 Technology Model
In preparation for the 2020-21 school year, Rochester Community Schools (RCS) is pleased to announce its movement to a 1-to-1 technology model, providing more than 15,000 students with access to a device. This 1:1 technology integration ensures that the district’s commitment to providing academic excellence will continue, no matter the scenario presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The timeline for the deployment of the devices will depend on the availability of equipment. “In every model of … [Read more...]
Hope Comes from a Community of Caring
Rochester Community Schools Commits to Social-Emotional Wellness In just one year’s time, Rochester Community Schools (RCS) has made great strides to care for the social-emotional health and well-being of its students and staff. By partnering with the Center for Trauma Resilient Communities, the district is focused on building a culture that increases compassion, accountability, equity and belonging for all. Rochester Community Schools is currently the only Michigan school district … [Read more...]
Rochester Community School District Dr. Robert Shaner 2020 Michigan Superintendent of the Year
The Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators (MASA) announced that Rochester Community School District Superintendent, Dr. Robert Shaner, has earned the award of 2020 Michigan Superintendent of the Year. “Dr. Shaner has proved himself to be an impeccable leader for Rochester Community Schools and I am honored to give him the award of Michigan Superintendent of the Year,” said MASA Executive Director Chris Wigent. “With a focus on bridging the diversity, equity, and inclusion … [Read more...]
Fourteen-Year-Old West Middle School Student Writes ‘Kill List for Future’ is Suspended
Wednesday, December 4, Rochester Community Schools Incident Report A Deputy who is assigned as a School Resource Officer (SRO) was contacted by a school administrator from West Middle School, which is in the 500 block of Old Perch Rd, regarding a threat made by one of their students. A 14-year-old student had written a “Kill List for Future” and was observed adding five (5) names of students while in the classroom. Several students witnessed the student making this list and notified their … [Read more...]