Guys Louis: World Music is a cultural musical celebration featuring Native America (Drum, Shakers, Flute, Whistle), Renaissance Europe (Lute), Africa (Percussion galore), India (Sitar, Tamboura and Tabla), and Modern America (PRS Hollow Body Electric Guitar). Students explore cultures from around the globe, see exotic instruments, and get a chance for hands on participation in the singing rockin’ musical free-for-all. Stick around after the concert for a special introduction to family relaxation. Guy Louis: World of Music comes to Meadow Brook Theatre on Saturday, May 12, at 1:00 p.m.
Tickets are $10, $8 for groups of eight or more. For information or to purchase tickets, call the MBT box office at 248-377-3300. Guy Louis: World of Music is part of the Meadow Brook Theatre Children’s Series, sponsored in part by Genisys Credit Union. Subscribers to the MBT season receive a 20% discount for tickets to the Children’s Series.
For additional information on Meadow Brook Theatre, please visit Meadow Brook Theatre is a non-profit, cultural institution serving southeast Michigan for over 52 years.