City Encourages Residents to ‘Stagger Your Start’

Outdoor Watering Ordinance Impacts Residents Water Rates

Warmer weather means the lawn watering season is upon us. The City would like to remind residents of the Outdoor Watering Ordinance which permits the use of automatic irrigation systems to the hours of Midnight through 5:00am only.

“While the City has been successful in minimizing DWSD’s rate increases by shifting the peak hour water usage from 7am to 5am, there is always room for improvement and this year we are taking it one step further,” states Mayor Bryan K. Barnett.

“We are now asking that businesses and residents delay the start of their watering systems by 15, 30 or 45 minutes past the top of the hour, states Allan Schneck, Director of Public Services. “This strategy will decrease the sudden pressure drops within the DWSD delivery systems to Rochester Hills and provide a more consistent pressure to our customers.

Print DWSD takes pressure readings at the top of the hour and has observed sudden pressure drops in their distribution system as the majority of sprinkler systems start up at the same time. That is where the residents and business can help. By staggering the start of automatic or programmable sprinkler systems, as well as starting them earlier, residents can have a positive effect in reducing the “off-peak” demand which can help sustain current water rates.

“To make it easier on our residents, we have divided the city into quadrants and are encouraging everyone to take note of their location and the recommended start time for outdoor watering,” states Schneck.

As seen over the last few years, the city’s water ordinance campaign consists of visual reminders throughout the community reminding each person to do their part. For additional information regarding the outdoor watering restrictions or to view the quadrant map, visit or contact the Department of Public Services at (248) 656-4685.





About Tom and Ann Gendich

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