Clinton River Trail Fall Charity Bike Ride

Friends of the Clinton River Trail announces a Fall Charity Bike Ride: Crusin’ For the Trails sponsored by Motor City Brew Tours on Saturday, September 23, 2017. The ride will take place on the Clinton River Trail starting at Clubhouse BFD, 2265 Crooks Road, Rochester Hills 48309.

Crusin’ For the Trails

Crusin’ For the Trails

Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. Tickets: $25 online; Day of the Event- $30 (cash only). There will be a charity raffle to WIN a New Belgium FAT TIRE bike. Net proceeds from the bike ride and raffle will support Improvements to the Clinton River Trail. Information and registration: or call 248-850-2563.

Friends of the Clinton River Trail, is a volunteer organization committed to making the Clinton River Trail a safe and enjoyable destination for all users. The CRT passes through five cities in the middle of Oakland County: Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills, Pontiac and Sylvan Lake. For additional information go to

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