Come Join the Flock for the EWE REVUE 2 Premiere

“I Love Ewesy,” “Captain Jack Spbaarow,” “Lady Baa Baa,” and Baa-No of Ewe 2, are just a few of the sheep stars that will flock to Downtown Rochester this May. Over two dozen life size fiberglass sheep will make up Rochester’s Ewe Revue 2, a community wide art project featuring sheep designed by artists and sponsored by local businesses.

The Ewe Revue 2 will kick off its red carpet season with a Premiere on May 19. The Premiere event tent will be located in the Conservatory Lot, located on the South side of Third and E. Alley, above the Farmers’ Market.

This family fun event will feature local cuisine from downtown restaurants, live entertainment, Hollywood activities for kids of all ages, and of course, sheep!

“This is one Premiere you don’t need a ticket for,” said Stephanie Schwager, Rochester Downtown Development Authority events coordinator. “We invite everyone to visit the event tent, and take a stroll down the red carpets of Rochester.”

The event time is from 10:00am to 5:00 p.m. Families can visit the event tent for a kid’s art activity brought to you by Paint Creek Center for the Arts, as well as participate in the “Ewe Are All a Star” sheep hand printing activity. Rochester walking tours will also be available and will depart from the Sheep Information Station.

The sheep will be on display May 19th through September 30th. Official Ewe Revue Event Guide will be available at any Downtown Rochester merchant beginning May 19. The Ewe Revue 2 is sponsored by the Rochester DDA and Media Partner, C&G Newspapers.

For more information on Downtown Rochester, the Rochester DDA and The Ewe Revue 2, please visit

About Sarah Hovis

Freelance wordsmith, arts appreciator, grammar geek, sports spectator, stationery snob, and world traveler, Sarah charts her own course as the owner of saliho creative. She uses her creative mind and engaging dialogue to fearlessly bring the written word to life in print and online… all while keeping a watchful eye out for the next literary adventure. You can reach her at

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