“We have worked with many amazing volunteers in the community since starting Community Kitchen,” said Mary Lee Kowalzyck, director of Rochester Community House. “Many people have built relationships with the families in attendance and those in need of home deliveries.”
A total of 75 Community Kitchen guests were served a wonderful hot baked spaghetti dinner with all the trimmings by Employees of The City of Rochester at the January dinner.
The Police Chief, The Fire Chief, The City of Rochester Clerk and even the Parks Superintendent were serving dinners, coffee, punch salad and desserts. And, an assembly line operation was utilized to package 70 meals that were delivered to individuals who were homebound. Rochester’s City manager Jaymes Vettraino and his wife Lynn helped deliver meals to area homebound area residents. Dine-in guests were also able to participate in a grocery raffle.
February’s Kitchen Dinner sponsor will be by the Southeastern Michigan Assistance League and held on Feb. 21. In addition to holding its monthly dinner, Community Kitchen also provides an average of 25 grocery bags a week to families and individuals in need. More than 550 bags of groceries were given out in 2010 to individuals in need seeking assistance.
To assist with the Community House efforts to support the community, the Community Kitchen is in need of nonperishable canned food items including canned meats, pastas, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, and pancake mixes. It also accepts personal hygiene items and paper products such as soaps, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and toilet tissue. �
Those who would like to make a reservation or cannot leave their home should call Rochester Community House at 248-651-0622. For more information, visit www.rochestercommhouse.org or become a fan on Facebook.