Crittenton will host free weight-loss event Jan. 30

Aiming to lose weight this year in a healthy way? Coming next week, Crittenton Hospital Medical Center experts will share with you their best tips for losing weight and forming healthier habits for a better lifestyle.

From 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 30, a mini health fair will delve into blood pressure (with free screenings), body mass index and body fat analysis.

A free seminar will include the most effective ways to coach yourself in the year ahead.

The event will take place in the Crittenton Main Lobby and Auditorium.

For more information, please visit to register online, for free.

Crittenton Hospital Medical Center is located at 1101 University Drive in Rochester.

About Jen Bucciarelli

Veggie lover and aspiring word chef, reporter Jen Bucciarelli covers all things health and medicine for Rochester Media and The Community Edge. She is always on the hunt for local experts who can help improve the lives of our readers. Send her a note at

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