Dear Crabby, Do the Boy Scouts of America Really Allow Girls Now?
Sincerely, Girl Cub
Oh Boy, another one of these kind of questions.
Here are two sides working with different opinions – and then there’s what will happen anyway. From my understanding, the Boy Scouts have had girls tagging along on trips, to meetings, and joining the Venturing program (open to both boys and girls) already. The world has changed. Moms and dads both working, juggling kids to this sport practice, that dance recital, and whatever else they sign up for. There are also single parents and joined families. There are Den Moms for the Cub Scouts and dads that help sell Girl Scout Cookies. Does any of it really matter?
I know, it’s my job to answer the questions not ask them. One side of the argument will tell you that boys and girls need time with their own gender. Boys like to fart, play video games, and tease each other. And girls like to play with Barbie Dolls … I guess. Certainly, there is an argument to have boys look up to older boys and to male leaders – teach them how to be men, especially during the awkward years when being around girls is uncomfortable. And I suppose the same would be true for girls when insecurities are tough, and downright scary around icky boys. But there is also the case that boys and girls need to learn more about each other – outside of classroom setting – building life skills, learning about the out-of-doors, and working as group.
Anyway, yes, the Boy Scouts of America will now allow girls to join any of the three programs – Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA (formally Boy Scouts), and Venturing. The organization will still be called The Boy Scouts of America, but girls can now join and move through the ranks, and even become Eagle Scouts (formally only available for male scouts). The new branding campaign is called “Scout Me In.”
Ideally, I think they should drop “boy” from the name and just be The Scouts of America – but they didn’t ask me. Also, ideally, they should offer boy-only and girl-only overnight trips that will continue to mentor boys to boys or girls to girls, at least for part of the experience – but I may still be thinking old school – scouting was never really my thing.
While this change will upset some, and it may even cause some to leave the scouts (or not join in the first place), I bet it opens more doors than it closes. And man oh man, the Boy Scouts are one up the Girl Scouts who have advocated to keep the single-gender scouting organizations.
Next thing you know, the Boy Scouts will be selling cookies … and now they have the girls in their organization to bake them too.
Happy Scouting Kids!