Dear Crabby, Do You Still Listen to Records?

Dear Crabby,

I see this year’s theme for Rochester Posed is “Album Covers.” Since the graphic includes a record, it got me wondering if you’re a fan of vinyl. Records seem to be all the rage these days.

Gary Gramophone

Dear Gary Gramophone,

Ain’t it funny how things become popular again? Shoot. I can remember when CDs were the ‘it’ thing in the late 1980s. Throw away your records! You want this smaller, newer fandangled thing. And I’ll admit, CDs were pretty cool. A lot easier to carry around than most vinyl records and you could go directly to the song you wanted by pressing a button instead of trying to guess where it was on a record. Before you knew it, even CDs started to become too ‘bulky’ and the digital download craze began. My grandkids loved being able to get their songs directly to their iPhones and pod thingamajiggies. Personally, I like to be able to hold my purchases in my hand. Then about 12 years ago, vinyl started quietly making its comeback. Now when I wander aimlessly around my local Barnes and Noble, I see a huge selection of vinyl records and most of them are new releases (at least that’s what the grandkids tell me). Heck, there’s even a whole day dedicated to records, aptly named Record Store Day. For one day in April vinyl fanatics from all over the world flock to their favorite record store to pick up their white whale or one of the records pressed specifically for Record Store Day.

Dear Crabby sits infront of his laptop

Dear Crabby Gives Advice

Boy, I betcha a lot of people who threw away or donated their record collections are upset. Why? Because now that vinyl has become cool again, those ‘old’ records are worth quite a lot. But I should mention that it’s not just any old record that’s worth the moola, so, if you thought your cherished Greatest Hits of Engelbert Humperdinck vinyl was going to finance your retirement, you’re outta luck. Most of the records that could potentially offer a big payout were pressed in the ‘60s and include four lads from Liverpool, England. That’s right: The Beatles. I’m told if you have The Beatles’ self-titled double album (also known as the White Album) originally released in 1968 that has a low serial number, you could be sitting on a goldmine. Just four years ago Ringo Starr sold his rare copy for nearly $800,000! If you’re not lucky enough to have one of those albums sitting in a closet somewhere, I’m sure any records by artists who are now deceased like that Prince fella, might be worth something. Not Beatles kind of money, but maybe enough to buy a plane ticket to somewhere nice and warm.

I almost forgot you asked if I was a fan of vinyl. Well, guess what? I am. Back in the day you could go to your local record shop and actually listen to the latest record before buying it. Depending on the size of the record, you could spend under a dollar or close to five dollars. But the record had to be something really special if I was gonna part with an Abe Lincoln. Most of the records I owned were groups like the Crew-Cuts or The Four Freshman. When my dad happened to listen to records, he leaned more towards the rockabilly likes of Hank Williams and of course the man in black – Johnny Cash. My mom loved all the movie records like The King and I. Yes. There’s nothing quite listening to a record and most music snobs will tell you the overall quality is better than any CD or download. So, I’m good with vinyl’s comeback. I just hope no one ever decides 8-tracks need to be revived.

Dear Crabby

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