Dear Crabby is cut from the Oakland Press?

Recently the Oakland Press stopped printing the weekly advice article from Dear Crabby.

If you have enjoyed these articles the last three and half years or so, please take a moment to write or call.

Editor at the Oakland Press is
(248) 745-4587

Directly to Mr. Crabby at

Letters received below:

I enjoy reading Dear Crabby and think it should continue to appear in the Oakland Press. The humorous articles give me a lift on a somber day. Please print the columns again.

Mary Gibbons

These columns were very interesting and useful. Please put the column back in the Oakland Press.

John E.

Drear Crabby

When your article didn’t appear a short while ago I thought you just took time off for the holidays. Finally I called the editor today (Monday, Dec. 30th) and left a message.

I was pleased that Glenn Gilbert took the time to call me right back. He said it for ‘space’. I thought ‘office space’ for a moment until it dawned on me what ‘space’ really meant.

He said I was only the 3rd caller to complain. I know there are more than just a few of us devoted followers out here. Your article was the first my wife Cathy and I turned to when we opened the paper. Most days she got it first.

I don’t know how to get the word out, nor if it would help change anything. It seems odd to me. How can the newspaper stop printing something I like so much? Aren’t other people just like me? If so, you should get hundreds of e-mails like this. No, maybe thousands!

Michael A, of Auburn Hills

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at


  1. Sandy Szalma says

    We would like to know why Dear Crabby no longer appears in the Oakland Press. We really enjoy his humerous advice and look forward to reading his weekly column– what a great way to start a Monday!
    Please let us know– it’s one of the main reasons we subscribe.
    Thank you
    Sandy szalma

  2. Mary Gibbons says

    I enjoy reading Dear Crabby and think it should continue to appear in the Oakland Press. The humorous articles give me a lift on a somber day. Please print the columns again.

    Mary Gibbons

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