Dear Crabby, Should I Go Camping?

Dear Crabby,

My wife wants to go camping, but I am not really into it. Have you had any experiences with camping? What can I do to make it better?

Sincerely, Jake Cityslicker

Dear Mr. Cityslicker,

I have had my share of camping experiences, and I have found ways to enjoy it. Mrs. Crabby and I had a camping trailer for a while when the kids were little. I used to really enjoy hitching that little thing up and heading north for the weekend. We would make a fire and roast marshmallows and enjoy everybody’s favorite summer treat – s’mores!  The smell of the campfire and the abundance of stars in the sky would really make the world seem right. Over time though, we noticed that our little trailer didn’t seem to hold the luster it did at first. One summer we took three whole weeks and traveled out west to Mt. Rushmore and beyond. We were in one campground where we had a great view of the scenery when all of the sudden this couple pulled in next to us in this huge tour bus motor home. This thing was towering over us and had things sliding out and up and over everywhere!  Our view was now comprised solely of this guys bumper! We also had a hefty dose of his sewer line in the landscape as well. Suddenly, our little trailer was like comparing a mountain to a molehill.  To make things worse, while we were at one of the parks, my daughter was playing with another little girl who asked her where she lived. My daughter responded, “We live next to the dumpster.”  We gently corrected her that we were only camping for a while, but that we lived in a house back home. So from there we decided to expand our investment and get a larger trailer, which involved a larger vehicle to pull it as well.  After a few years with that setup, we changed to a motor home. By this time, we had a considerable investment tied up in the vehicle and in the gasoline it took to move it. After years of travelling with all three different styles, we reflect back and have the fondest memories of that first little camper and the simple little campfires and overnight trips we took. Sometimes bigger isn’t always better!  So good luck, and let us know what you decide.

Sincerely, Dear Crabby

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