Dear Crabby, Should I Stock Up on Chicken?

Dear Crabby, Should I Stock Up on Chicken?

Sincerely, Hot Wings Chick

Dear Hot Wings,

Sort of. I hear that the cold weather in the South, where many chickens live in the winter, was hard on them. And while the numbers are down, it’s not as bad as the news lets on. In fact, recent reports say the numbers are pecking upwards. However, some lingering effects continue.

Dear Crabby sits infront of his laptop
Dear Crabby Gives Advice

For example, the demand for chicken wings and breasts are super high right now – they’re the most popular parts of the bird. Not to mention all the fast food joints waging chicken wars on each other right now as a bunch of bird brains flock to drive through windows around the country. It’s a bit a left-over from the COVID year of grabbing quick meals, as well as businesses reopening, the employee shortages, and people stocking up that is keeping the demand – and prices – up right now. This perfect storm has come home to roost.

If you like the fast food and the quick, lower quality chicken, say like what you’d find at touristy famous chicken dinner destinations, then you’ll be chirping a sad song. But, if you like higher quality birds and chicken thighs, then you should be tweeting happy posts when you look for your dinner.

The Crabby household has had no chicken shortages, yet anyway, and we’re eating pretty good. If you shop around, you should find all that you need. And if you feel better stocking up on a few extra pounds of poultry, then be my guest.

Happy Eating!

Dear Crabby

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