Downtown Rochester Announces Donor Wall of Fame

Mark Albrecht, Chair of the Rochester Downtown Development Authority (DDA) along with the DDA Board and Staff are proud to announce the creation of the Downtown Rochester Donor Wall of Fame. This new place of honor is an opportunity for individuals, families, groups and organizations to create a lasting memory in our newest park on the corner of Walnut Boulevard and University Drive. All money raised will be reinvested in future capital projects to support and improve the downtown district.

Photo of the Wall (blank wall right now) awaiting plaques

Donor Wall of Fame Program

Sponsorship opportunities are available at various levels and are tax deductible. At the Gold Level for $4,000 you receive a 20” x 13.25” plaque engraved with up to 4 lines of text; at the Silver Level for $2,000 you receive a 10” x 7.5” plaque engraved with up to 4 lines of text; and at the Bronze Level for $1,000 you receive a 10” x 3.75” plaque engraved with up to 2 lines of text. Bench sponsorships are also available at $2,000 along with an engraved plaque on the bench.

Rochester has a rich history and a very bright future; this is a great way to create a lasting memory for all visitors to this park as they relax while enjoying our beautiful downtown.

“I have already sponsored a plaque in honor of my Mother – Marie Stevenson who passed away last year. She always loved visiting Rochester from her home in California.  Please join me in creating a lasting memory for people in your life while contributing to future downtown improvements”, stated Mark Albrecht.

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