Dutton Farm Receives Nationally Recognized Award

Dutton Farm Receives Nationally Recognized Award for “Raising the Bar” in Work for Employment for People with Disabilities

Dutton Farm Received the National Down Syndrome Congress 2017 Employer of the Year Award

Dutton Farm Received the National Down Syndrome Congress 2017 Employer of the Year Award

Dutton Farm has been chosen as this year’s recipient of the National Down Syndrome Congress’ Employment Award for their outstanding work in raising the bar in providing more employment opportunities to adults with disabilities. Co-Founder, Jeanette Brown, and her sister Rebecca who has Down Syndrome and is the inspiration behind Dutton Farm will be flying out to California to accept the award in July. Dutton Farm has created a unique business model that allows them to hire adults with all ability levels for various different job titles. At Dutton Farm, there is a place for everyone to find purpose and success. They have also collaborated with various employers within the community who have hired our farmers within their business.

“We are honored and humbled to accept this award and our hope is that the recognition from this will continue to raise awareness for the need, because there is still so much to be done. Our employment program means the world to our participants and we are privileged to work alongside each and every one. We live in an incredible community who has embraced our program and supported us wholeheartedly and without that support; we would not have been able to do the work that we do.” ~Jenny Brown, Co-Founder and COO of Dutton Farm

Dutton Farm

Dutton Farm

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Jeanette Brown at 248-818-0270 or email at jeanette@duttonfarm.org

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