Rochester City Council Vote Totals
The three highest vote totals will be elected to a 4-year term and the fourth highest total will be elected to a 2-year term.
- Nancy L. Salvia: 1,470 ✔
- Stuart Bikson: 1,382 ✔
- Steve Sage: 1,218 ✔
- Douglas Gould: 1,044 ✔
- Debra M. Allen: 603
- Terry R. Tesh: 317
Rochester Hills City Council Member At-Large Vote Total
Winners will be elected to a 4-year term.
- David Walker: 6,289 ✔
- Matthew Berard: 5,475
City Council Member First District Vote Total:
- Carol Morlan: 2,436 ✔
City Council Member Fourth District Vote Total:
- Ryan J. Deel: 1,759 ✔
Rochester Hills Library Board Member Vote Totals
The two highest vote totals will be elected to a 6-year term.
- Melinda N. Deel: 7,524 ✔
- Julianne Reyes: 6,370 ✔
- Suba Subbarao: 5,084
Proposal to re-purpose expired Older Persons’ Commission (OPC) bond millage for parks
- Yes 9,536 ✔
- No 3,243
All Precincts Reports 100%
We already have a millage for “green space” which is a joke cuz I’ve never seen a developer not get what he wants anywhere. Doesn’t anybody want to pay less taxes? I think it should have been kept for opc to expand services if needed if you don’t ever want to pay less taxes