Ending the year on a high note: How some are showing compassion this season

Since we compiled an anti-stress guide to celebrating your holidays and shared a few ways to make sure you truly live in the moment, here is a selection of compassion-filled tales sure to put a smile on your face—especially if those gingerbread cookies just aren’t doing the trick!

Picture 4It’s the often criticism that good news is difficult to find. But if you know where to look, the heart of kindness beats in every town, city and state.

It also helps that more feel the need to lend a hand where they can this time of year so stories of love—in its many forms—seem to be surfacing with rapidity.

Here are a few finds we came across recently that are sure to squeeze your heart, as they did ours.click here

Share them with your family and friends, because no one’s mood can ever be dampened by a happy tale.

Haven’t had enough? To read more, hop on over to my new site Sweet Tooth, which is dedicated to sharing the kind things people do for one another here, there and everywhere.

Our community is chocked full of caring folks, so if you have a special act of endearment you want the world to know about, please don’t hesitate to share it with us. Leave a note in the comments below or drop us a message at Jenbucciarelli@gmail.com.

Happy holidays, everyone!

Dan’s Coffee Run: (The Oakland Press)

Picture 13An Orion Township man takes coffee orders for chemotherapy patients each week and treats them to a little indulgence, sure to fill their hearts. He loves when they try a new flavor, the article shares, just for the heck of it. And he’s been doing this for years. Read his story here. *One of our favorites this month!

Anonymous Mich. couple recruit police chief to pass out $100 bills to Detroiters: (The Detroit News)

Picture 15An unknown Mich. couple has teamed with Detroit Police Chief James Craig to pass out holiday cheer—In the form of $100 bills. The only thing the team asks of their recipients? To keep the good-deed ball rolling by doing something kind for another Detroiter or Michigander.
You’ll want to read the full story here.

Canadian airline plays Santa, presents circle luggage claim as passenger de-board:             (The Huffington Post)

Picture 19

WestJet of Canada had a special trick up their Saint Nick sleeve when passengers told a virtual Santa what they wanted for Christmas before they boarded their flight. As they traveled, secret shoppers purchased the gifts each passenger humorously responded with—some even said socks and undies! And what happened next is just, well, magical. You’ll have to check it out here.  * Another of our favorites! c :

Woman surrogates baby for best friend, who passes away from brain cancer: New York Daily News

Picture 20This little glimpse into a tremendous life created through friendship and love will have you wanting to hug your dearest friend, too. When a couple learned cancer was taking the life of the young fitness guru who always wanted to be a mother, her best friend offered to carry the couple’s child. See the rest of the bittersweet story unfold here.

And another holiday-themed act of love:

World’s largest gingerbread house can be found in…Texas? (ABC News)

Picture 22Holiday spice continues in the south as a Texas golf club builds the largest gingerbread house to raise money for a local trauma center. Did we mention it is 100 percent edible? c : Check out this delicious story of compassion here.


About Jen Bucciarelli

Veggie lover and aspiring word chef, reporter Jen Bucciarelli covers all things health and medicine for Rochester Media and The Community Edge. She is always on the hunt for local experts who can help improve the lives of our readers. Send her a note at JenBucciarelli@gmail.com.

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