Extended Office Hours for Voter Registration in Oakland County

Lisa Brown, Oakland County Clerk, Holds Extended Office Hours for Voter Registration and Passport Applications

The Oakland County Clerk’s Office is staying open until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 11, so County residents can turn in their voter registration applications in time for the November 8 General Election and apply for a passport. Other services from the Clerk’s Office will also be available. Normal office hours are 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

“Regular business hours don’t fit everyone’s schedule. We received requests for extended hours and are always looking for ways to make our services more accessible to all Oakland County residents. The extended hours next Tuesday will give people more time to register to vote and conduct business with the Clerk’s Office,” said Lisa Brown, Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds.

The deadline for Michigan residents to register to vote in the November election is October 11. In order to register to vote you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Be 18 years of age or older by election day (November 8, 2016).
  • Not currently serving a sentence in jail or prison.
To apply for a passport you must:
  • Apply in person (if the applicant is under 17 years old, the minor and both parents must be present, unless one parent has signed a notarized consent form).
  • Present a valid, government-issued form of identification and a certified copy of a birth certificate or proof of citizenship.
  • Bring a passport photograph or pay the fee to have one taken on-site.
In addition, the Oakland County Clerk’s Office will provide the following services:
  • Birth, death and marriage records
  • Business registrations
  • Concealed pistol license applications and renewals
  • Marriage licenses
  • Military discharge filings
  • Notary filings
The Oakland County Clerk’s office is located at 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. in Pontiac. During the extended hours, please use the North Entrance. Most services require valid, government-issued photo ID and/or proof of residency. For more information on services and fees, please call 248-858-0561 or visit www.oakgov.com/clerkrod.


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