Do you ever have those weeks where you feel like your body is falling apart?
Last Monday, I found myself with a pulled muscle occupying my every thought. That is, until I found out on Tuesday, that my cholesterol was high. After lamenting about my health with friends on Wednesday, I found out Thursday that I have some arthritis beginning in my back. You don”t even want to know the woes of my weekend.
Certainly it”s not a secret, but it can be easy to forget that the human body is extremely fragile. I am so guilty of ignoring good common sense by constantly moving heavy furniture, stuffing myself with potato chips, and drinking coffee like it”s water. I”ll double book my schedule too, and still believe I am invincible enough to not be vulnerable to what I put myself through physically and mentally.
It”s not an uncommon thing for me to share information about healthy living, but this week I had a different audience. I had to preach to the choir. I was the one who had to listen to me, and it was very sobering to be on the other side of the pulpit.
Life does take a toll. Our actions and our choices for our diet, stress management, and fitness will manifest whether we like it or not. It may not be in an acute pain or an immediate bump, but it will eventually reveal itself in our condition at some point. This reality can feel devastating, and make you feel helpless at first. But after you have that “light bulb” moment in your life, it”s time to no longer live in the darkness of ignorance.
It”s easy to read the articles, buy the kale, and get motivated to action.
One of my favorite quotes is, “No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch.”
But sometimes, maybe the answer to better health isn”t always to do more. I needed a big dose of “less” this week. Less coffee. Less chips and less obligations. And I”m finding quickly, that when it comes to my health, less might actually be just what I need to keep it all together.