If you want to find our family on a Saturday morning May through October, make your way to the Rochester Farmers Market to find me chatting with the farmers, the kids looking for the pineapple hidden among the produce that wins them a small prize and my husband taking our dog for a stroll around the market. There are so many ways to enjoy the market besides stopping in for five minutes to pick up your carrots. Here are five suggestions to turn your shopping trip to a fun morning out.
1. Try something new. Find one vegetable or fruit that looks the weirdest and most new to you. Try some Kholrabi, a new type of greens, or some Kale. A quick search on Google when you get home should provide you with ample ideas on how you can prepare it for your next meal.
2. Ask the farmers questions. Ask them where the produce is from. Did they grow it? Did their neighbor grow it? How do they suggest you prepare it? Or tell them how you prepared what you bought from them last week.
3. Meet some new furry friends. Stop and meet some of the four-legged friends who come to the market. Stop and chat with the owners, let your children say “hi” to their new friend Fido.
4. Come with your gardening questions. Have a question about your garden? Michigan State University has a booth every week so you can ask the experts your gardening questions.
5. Check the market calendar to see when they are having special events. From bike checks, to honey bee demonstrations, to crafts for the kids, to cooking demonstrations, to trick-or-treating for the kids, there are events at the market almost every week. Follow the market on Facebook to get the latest news.
Despite all this fun, sometimes when I get home and make my lunch, I cannot decide which I enjoy more, the trip to the farmers market or the wonderfully fresh lunch I make us with our purchased bounty! Bon Appétit!
Julie Magro
ToTheDinnerTable: simple, organic, whole: everyday recipes & ideas for a healthy you