Friends Give Library $105,000

The Friends of the Rochester Hills Public Library recently gave the library $105,000 which was raised throughout 2010. The library will use the money to fund free public programs for adults and children throughout 2012 and to purchase 70 new public computers.
The Friends of the Library is a non-profit, volunteer organization that supports the library. The Friends raise money by conducting book sales, through sales in their Library Store and through special fund-raisers such as Holiday Home Tour on November 13th. Hundreds of local residents work to raise the money that helps expand and improve the library.
“Thanks to the hard work and generosity of the Friends, the library now has a motorized scooter for people with disabilities as well as mini-grocery carts to help people move around the library,” said library director Christine Lind Hage.
The Friends are funding a very special evening program at the Library on Friday, December 9th. Families are invited to participate in a Polar Express program where there will be visits with Santa, a trolley ride around downtown Rochester, crafts, storytelling, songs, snacks and an opportunity for children to be certified as Santa’s Elves! Friends and other members of the community will be serving as volunteers that evening to ensure that everyone has a safe and fun evening.
For over 50 years the Friends of the Library have supported library programs. One of the longest running programs is the Sunday Concert Series. Other Friends sponsored programs include: Fabulous Fridays for kids, Saturday storytimes, and programs at bookmobile stops and for people learning to speak English.
The largest single gift item give by the Friends to the library was a bookmobile purchased in 2005. The bookmobile has been serving the residents of Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township for the past year. Over 85,000 items were borrowed last year from the small bookmobile collection.
Individuals interested in joining the Friends can call 248/650-7160. Information on upcoming programs can be found on the library website The Rochester Hills Public Library is located three blocks east of Main Street off of University Drive in downtown Rochester.

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at

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