Friends of the Falcons Gala March 11

Rochester Athletic Boosters Hosts 4th Annual Gala

The greater Rochester community is invited to experience why “it’s always a great day to be a Falcon” as the Rochester High School Athletic Booster Club hosts the 4th Annual Friends of the Falcons Gala on March 11 at Twin Lakes Golf Club.

“The Rochester Friends of the Falcon Gala is the social and fundraising event of the year,” according to Booster President, John Cloutier. “It brings together parents, coaches, teachers and administrators to celebrate the outstanding successes of our high school sports teams.  It’s such a fun night, many of the 200+ guests come back every year. 2017 will be our biggest and best event yet!”

Rochester Athletic Boosters Hosts 4th Annual Gala

Rochester Athletic Boosters Hosts 4th Annual Gala

Luke Beach, RHS Athletic Director adds “the Gala is a tremendous community event where we celebrate the academic and athletic successes of our student-athletes and athletic programs. This event helps provide financial resources vital to the success of our athletic programs.”

This year’s accomplishments include championship seasons for several Falcon programs including State championships for both Cheer and Ladies Golf. Regional titles were earned by both Boys Soccer and Baseball, and Conference titles were earned by Girls soccer, Girls Lacrosse and Volleyball. On an individual basis, several student-athletes qualified for the state championships, academic all-state honors, and 16 student-athletes signed to play college athletics in 2016.

Rochester High School's 4th Annual Friends of the Falcons Gala

Rochester High School’s 4th Annual Friends of the Falcons Gala

This celebratory evening event will include a strolling dinner reception, cash bar, silent and live auctions, raffles, and music.  Funds raised at this event will benefit the Rochester High School Athletic Boosters, potentially impacting every Falcon program and athlete.

The Falcons invite and encourage members of the community to join them for a fun-filled evening for the parents, staff and friends of Rochester High School. The dress code for this event is “smart casual.” Registration forms and information packets are available on the Rochester H.S. athletics webpage.

According to Cloutier, “thanks to the generosity of our local businesses and Rochester community at large, we have been able to grant $104,000 to Rochester High School athletic programs and student athletes over the last three years. The Gala has been the major contributor to this accomplishment.”

Community Businesses and Individuals are invited to support the Event

Community Businesses and Individuals are invited to support the Event

The auction will feature such exciting, yet diverse, items as $1250 in orthodontia services by Tyler, Dumas and Reyes, Premium Graduation Packages and several one-of-a-kind sports memorabilia items.

Over the years, Cloutier has observed that “the exposure and recognition enjoyed by companies that donate products, services and money make it a no-brainer decision to participate.”

Community businesses and individuals are invited to support the Falcon community and Gala by purchasing sponsorships and program ads or donating to the auctions and raffle. All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law. For more information, please contact Sally Anglim at or 248-420-5276.

The order form is available at HERE.



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