Funds to Improve and Repair Rochester Roads Secured

Commissioner Kochenderfer Successfully Secures County Funds to Improve and Repair Rochester Roads

Adam Kochenderfer
Adam Kochenderfer

On July 23, 2020,the Oakland County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution sponsored by Commissioner Adam L. Kochenderfer (R-Rochester Hills) securing $23,827 for the City of Rochester through the county’s Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP). These funds will be used to help with road maintenance requirements and other road repairs. Rochester plans to use the funds to help with milling and filling on Letica Drive and Elizabeth Street.

“I was pleased to help Rochester receive this road funding, and I am committed to continuing to work with local officials to keep our roads smooth and safe,” Kochenderfer said.

Oakland County’s LRIP provides limited financial assistance to Oakland County cities and villages for repairs and improvements on roadways under their jurisdiction. The program ensures that the county investment in roads is multiplied by requiring local municipalities to match funding from Oakland County. Launched in 2016, the LRIP has driven an estimated $89 million investment in local roads across the county. The program is an effective means for encouraging investment in local roads, which continue to be underfunded by the State of Michigan. This lack of funding from the state and federal government has resulted in poor road conditions, which negatively impact safety, quality of life and economic development in the region.

“The city is excited to learn that we were awarded funds from the Board’s Local Road Improvement Program,” Stuart Bikson, Rochester mayor, said. “With matched funds from the City of Rochester, we are glad we will be able to mill and improve Letica Drive and Elizabeth Street.”

In 2017, the Board of Commissioners’ LRIP received national recognition when it was selected for a National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award in the category of Community and Economic Development.

Commissioner Kochenderfer represents the 15th county commission district, which includes the City of Rochester and a portion of the City of Rochester Hills. He can be reached at 248-858-0100 or via email to

For more information, please contact the Board of Commissioners at 248-858-0100 or visit its website.

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  1. Good job, now you can spend the next 3 years patching up 1 small stretch of road and causing more annoyance and problems than just leaving it the way it is. Wrap up Big Beaver you idiots.

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