Health Division Kicks Off Flu Season

The Oakland County Health Division has launched their annual flu vaccination program, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced. The flu vaccine guards against as many as four flu viruses which are most likely to occur this season.

“Our goal is to keep our residents healthy this flu season,” Patterson said. “We urge them to take the necessary precautions against the flu including getting vaccinated.”

Flu shots are available for $25 at both Health Division clinics in Pontiac and Southfield. Individuals 65 years and older qualify for a high-dose flu shot which costs $43. Flu shot clinic hours are Noon – 8:00 p.m. Mondays and 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. These are walk-in clinics. Pre-payment and registration are not needed.

“Get a flu shot to protect yourself and loved ones,” said Kathy Forzley, Health Division manager/health officer. “The flu typically takes the lives of 36,000 Americans a year. Getting an annual flu shot reduces the risk of getting the flu and protects the community around you.”

Flu Shot Season is Here

Flu Shot Season is Here

The Health Division will also hold four walk-in community outreach clinics on the following dates:

  • Oct. 12, 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. Walled Lake Community Ed, 615 N. Pontiac Trail, Walled Lake
  • Oct. 18, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Rochester OPC, 650 Letica Drive, Rochester
  • Oct. 19, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Troy Community Center, 3179 Livernois, Troy
  • Nov. 1, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Costick Center, 28600 11 Mile Road, Farmington Hills

Community outreach clinics are walk-in only, pre-payment and registration are not necessary.

Payment options include cash, credit (Visa, MasterCard), Medicare, and/or Medicaid, and some insurance. Credit card fees apply. Please bring picture identification and all insurance cards to the clinic.

Health Division offices are located at the following addresses:

  • North Oakland Health Center, 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Building 34 East, Pontiac
  • South Oakland Health Center, 27725 Greenfield Road, Southfield

For up-to-date information, visit, follow the Health Division on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter @publichealthOC, or call the Health Division’s Flu Shot Hotline at 800-434-3358. Nurse on Call is also available to answer questions at 800-848-5533.


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