Hemingway Homecoming 1919

The Rochester-Avon Historical Society Presents “Hemingway Homecoming 1919” with John Cohassey

The Rochester-Avon Historical Society’s will hold its monthly evening meeting on Thursday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rochester Hills Public Library, 500 Olde Town Road. Guest speaker John Cohassey will present “Hemingway’s Homecoming 1919,” a look at the year when author Ernest Hemingway decided to become a writer, returned from WWI, and spent the fall and most of the winter in Michigan.

Photograph in the Ernest Hemingway Photograph Collection, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston. Circa 1920 L-R: Carl Edgar, Katy Smith, Marcelline Hemingway, Bill Horne, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Hopkins. Michigan, Walloon Lake/Petoskey area, circa summer 1920

Photograph in the Ernest Hemingway Photograph Collection, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston. Circa 1920 L-R: Carl Edgar, Katy Smith, Marcelline Hemingway, Bill Horne, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Hopkins. Michigan, Walloon Lake/Petoskey area, circa summer 1920

Cohassey, a Michigan Hemingway Society board member, was trained in the visual arts and has played music professionally for many years. He earned a master’s degree in History from Wayne State University in 1995. Cohassey’s first book, “Toast of the Town: The Life and Times of Sunnie Wilson” (WSU, 1998), won an award of merit from the Historical Society of Michigan. In 2007, he served as a consultant for the History Channel documentary “Hippies.”

Cohassey’s most recent book is titled, “Hemingway and Pound: A Most Unlikely Friendship.”

This program is free & open to the public, no registration required. Students are welcome.

The Rochester-Avon Historical Society (RAHS) was founded in 1969 to help preserve, collect and interpret the history of the greater Rochester area for present and future generations. For more information, including a list of upcoming events, visit online at www.rochesteravonhistoricalsociety.org

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