Hills financial report awarded

For the 23rd year, the Government Finance Officers Association has awarded the city of Rochester Hills the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.

“This award demonstrates the city’s commitment to go beyond the minimum requirements of general accounting principles by preparing a comprehensive annual financial report in the spirit of transparency and full disclosure,” Mayor Bryan Barnett said.

The City Accountant, Pamela Lee, is the employee who is primarily responsible for preparing the award-winning report.

“Receiving the award is a true sense of achievement,” Lee said. “Compiling the report is an accomplishment in itself and could not have been achieved without the dedication of the entire accounting team and assistance from the fiscal team.”

The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association that serves approximately 17,500 government finance professionals.


  1. But the rest of the story … Only 5% of the communities don’t get the award. If you finish the report, pay your dues the award is given! It has nothing to do with transparency. Simply getting the right number in the right place!

    How many times are they willing to play us as the fool! Answer: as many times as you allow them too!

  2. Scot Beaton says

    Yes this is true pay these folks and win the award. Do us all a favor and expose this scam for what it is. Thanks P.S. publish all of Bryan Barnett’s latest travel expenses to Washington DC: publish his airfare what seat did he sit in. Publish all his food expenses the actual bills…who does he buy food and alcoholic drinks for at taxpayers expense. Publish all his transportation expenses. Publish his hotel bill. Did he take his wife…do we the taxpayer pay for that? Do we pay for a Rochester Hills employee time to book her flight too? Do we pay for her room and food too. Do the taxpayers pay for a double occupancy hotel room. This is the kind of transparency we the citizens of Rochester Hills would like to see published not some BS award you get when you pay for it.

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