Learn About Hollywood in WWII at the Rochester Hills Public Library
World War II took a toll on everyone and Hollywood was included. Learn about the celebrities who served in the US Military during WWII at the event, When Hollywood Went to War on Tuesday, February 20 at 7:00 p.m.
You know the names, people like Kirk Douglas, Beatrice Arthur, Henry Fonda, Tyrone Power and Audie Murphy. But did you know all of them served during WWII? Learn about the nearly 90 celebrities who heard Uncle Sam’s call to action and how that changed the course of their lives.
“The most challenging facet of the project was finding photographs of these celebrities in uniform,” says presenters Al and Dave Eicher, “This presentation will explain where they went to serve and what battles they experienced.”
The Eicher’s project was to collect hundreds of photographs, films and interviews from the men and women in the entertainment world who, young and old, took time out of their careers to protect and serve freedom.
“The Rochester Hills Public Library is thrilled to have Al and Dave Eicher show us their research into celebrities in WWII,” says Community Relations Specialist Amanda Harrison Keighley, “This is sure to be a crowd favorite.”
Registration is available online for this event at calendar.rhpl.org. Sign up in advance as space will be limited.