Residents of the 12 North Oakland Household Hazardous Waste (NO HAZ) communities can get rid of their household hazardous waste on June 21 at Oakland University in Rochester from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.
The collection will be in the Foundation Hall parking lot on Squirrel Road. The university’s address is 2200 N. Squirrel Road.
“I encourage residents to use opportunities such as the No Haz collection day to get rid of the old paint, oil or cleaners that have been taking up space in the garage,” Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said. “Oakland County prides itself on its quality of life and the responsible disposal of hazardous waste is one way to ensure we keep our county clean and environmentally safe for our residents and visitors for years to come. We thank Oakland University for hosting this important event.”
The member communities of the NO HAZ program are: Addison Township, Groveland Township, Lake Angelus, Lake Orion, Leonard, Oakland Township, Orion Township, Oxford, Oxford Township, Rochester, Rochester Hills and Waterford. Residents should bring identification with their current address to participate. Residents of other communities may participate in NO HAZ events for $60 payable at the event or contact their city, village or township office for additional disposal options.
Residents of the following communities must pay $10 to participate: Addison Township, Groveland Township, Leonard, Oakland Township and Rochester Hills. The fee will be collected at the site in exact cash or a check made payable to: Oakland County NO HAZ. Participants must fill out a registration form that bills the remainder of the collection fee to their communities. The form is available at the site or online at, where it can be downloaded and filled out in advance.
Waterford Township residents must obtain a voucher prior to the collection. It can be purchased for $10 on the third floor of town hall at the Building Department counter, 5200 Civic Center Drive. Quantities are limited and are on a first come, first served basis. Call (248) 674-6240 with questions.
Residents of Lake Angelus, Oxford Village, Oxford Township and Rochester should obtain a voucher from their community office in advance. No voucher or fee is required of Lake Orion and Orion Township residents.
Items collected at the NO HAZ events include: household paints and stains, antifreeze, gasoline, kitchen and bath cleaners and polishes, mercury and mercury thermometers, aerosols, pesticides, herbicides and computer and electronic equipment. For a more comprehensive list of accepted materials, or for additional disposal information, visit the NO HAZ website at, or call the NO HAZ Hotline at 248-858-5656.
NO HAZ is a consortium of nine Oakland County communities representing 12 local governments that offer residents a safe and environmentally responsible way to dispose of household hazardous waste. The NO HAZ Consortium encourages residents to gather their household hazardous waste and attend one collection event per year, as the communities are charged for each car that attends the collections.
Since the program began in 2003, residents of more than 25,000 households have disposed of more than 3.3 million pounds of hazardous materials, which have been recycled or disposed of properly. Two additional collections will be held later this year on Aug. 23 and Sept. 20.
All proceeding information was provided by Oakland County.