How Safe is Our Drinking Water?

Do you know how to find out?

Drinking Water Town Hall

Tuesday, June 5, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Little boy drinking tap water. Little boy aged 4 is drinking tap water in sunlit bathroom.

How safe is our drinking water?

People across Michigan are wondering: Is my water safe to drink? Who can I trust for honest answers about my tap water? Why do my water bills keep going up?

This drinking water town hall is designed to answer questions about drinking water quality, affordability and the policies that can keep families safe.

The Michigan Environmental Council and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Rochester Junior Women’s Club, host this discussion on making water safe and clean from source to tap.

Rochester Hills Public Library in the Community Room.

Learn about the drinking water in your community.

Free refreshments – everyone is welcome.

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