How to Backpack Around the World

Robert Downes, author of Planet Backpacker, will share his story of traveling on a five-month solo backpacking trip through the developing world at the Rochester Hills Public Library on Thursday, October 14 at 7 p.m. Downes’ trip involved pedaling a 20-year-old mountain bike through Ireland, across England, and down the Danube, staying in hostels and bandit-camping in a tent.  Ditching his bike in Prague, he backpacked on through East Europe, Egypt, India and Southeast Asia. Planet Backpacker isn’t just about traveling around the world; it’s a celebration of the backpacking way of life. After the presentation, books will be available for purchase.

Registration is required and open to those with a Rochester Hills Public library card. To register go to the Events Calendar at or call 248-656-2900. The Rochester Hills Public Library is located in downtown Rochester two blocks east of Main Street off of University Drive on Olde Towne Road. For more information, please call 248-650-7124.

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