Janet Macunovich will Help You Get Your Garden Ready for Spring at the Rochester Hills Public Library

The Rochester Hills Public Library is pleased to present two programs that will give you ideas and techniques on how to get your garden in shape for the spring.  Landscape designer, author, and Detroit News garden writer Janet Macunovich will present these programs on Tuesday, March 15 and Wednesday, March 16. Both programs will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held in the Multipurpose Room.

On Tuesday, March 15, Macunovich will give you ideas on what you can do in early spring to make the whole season easier and the garden lusher. Shrubs, trees and ground cover beds benefit from your attention now, and repay you with reduced needs in summer. Here’s a look at what you can do that will make the difference in your garden.

Spring is a wonderful time to rearrange or expand a garden or improve a landscape. We’re refreshed and energized—like the garden! Even better, much of what you can do toward new design can dovetail with spring clean-up. The presentation on Wednesday, March 16 will give you ideas and techniques to help you start off on that right foot toward a new look and great season.

Registration is required and open to those with a Rochester Hills Public library card. You may register for one or both programs. To register go to the Events Calendar at www.rhpl.org or call 248-656-2900.

The Rochester Hills Public Library is located in downtown Rochester two blocks east of Main Street off of University Drive on Olde Towne Road. For more information, call 248-650-7124.

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at info@rochestermedia.com.

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