Business owners and entrepreneurs who need assistance are encouraged to attend seminars offered by the Oakland County Business Center. Unless otherwise noted, all programs are held at the Oakland County Executive Office Building Conference Center, 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, west of Telegraph, in Waterford. For pre-registration and location map, visit or call (248) 858-0783.
CEED Small Business Loan Orientation: July 9, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Location: Farmington Hills City Hall Community Room, 31555 W. 11 Mile Road, Farmington Hills. Many small businesses face obstacles when trying to obtain a business loan. If your business is located in Oakland County and you have a need for alternative financing consider learning more about the CEED Small Business Loan Program (formerly CEED MicroLoan Program). Discover the requirements and process necessary to apply for and obtain a Small Business Loan. (CEED is Center for Empowerment and Economic Development). Fee: This workshop is free, but pre-registration is required.
Break the Rules, Close More Sales: July 10, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A business development workshop for business owners, company Presidents/CEO’s & professional service firms and sales people; in two short hours, you’ll learn how to establish trust with your prospects, prospect more efficiently, shorten the sales cycle, eliminate stalls and objection, take control of the sales process, and differentiate your company. Fee: $40 per person, pre-registration is required.
Business Research: Feasibility to Expansion: July 16, 9 a.m. to noon. Thinking of starting a business and want to research your business idea? Do you want to identify market trends and opportunities to grow your sales? Are you looking for new customers or to diversify your market base? Business Research shows you ways to find your ideal customers, your competitors, perform competitive analysis and more. The workshop is presented by The Oakland County One Stop Shop Business Center, Oakland County market researchers and an Oakland County Public Library business reference librarian. Fee: This workshop is free, but pre-registration is required.
Get a Grip on Your Business | EOS Workshop: July 17, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. If you are the owner, leader or manager of an entrepreneurial organization who wants to see your business consistently run better and grow faster, Mike Kotsis, a professional EOS implementer, can help you and your team simplify, clarify and achieve your vision. You will walk away with a focused action plan using the EOS workbook containing the tools that will help you to gain more traction in your business. Don’t let the company run you – Get a Grip on Your Business. Fee: $40 per person, pre-registration is required.
Legal Basics for Small Business: July 29, 9 a.m. to noon. Legal Basics provides new and existing Michigan entrepreneurs with an understanding of the key legal considerations when starting and operating a business in Michigan. The program also addresses how to select the best type of legal structure for your business, how to protect your business interests when dealing with customers, suppliers or independent contractors. It also provides important information and guidelines for establishing short and long term succession plans. Fee: $20 per person, pre-registration is preferred, but payable at the door.
Walk-In-Start-Up Thursdays: Every Thursday 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson wants entrepreneurs to prosper. His Walk In Start Up Thursdays Small Business counseling initiative is for individuals who want to launch a business but don’t know where to begin. They will receive confidential, one-on-one advice from an experienced business consultant with no appointment necessary.
Fee: There is no fee. Walk-in sessions are available on a first come, first served basis and each session is limited to 15 minutes.
Upcoming Workshops
7: Team SBA Financing Roundtable
13: Business Research: Feasibility to Expansion (PM)
13: CEED Small Business Loan Program Orientation
19: Create Your Marketing Plan
9: Business Research: Feasibility to Expansion (AM)
10: CEED Small Business Loan Program Orientation
17: Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) Certification Orientation
23: Introduction to QuickBooks
30: SCORE Small Business Loan Workshop